God’s Attributes in Action: A Study of the Book of Ezra

The book of Ezra is a historical account of the return of the Jewish exiles from Babylon to Jerusalem and the rebuilding of the temple. It also reveals some of **God’s attributes** and characteristics, such as his sovereignty, faithfulness, holiness, and grace. In this article, we will explore some of these attributes and how they are displayed in the book of Ezra.

**Sovereignty**: God is the supreme ruler of all things and he accomplishes his purposes through human agents and events. In Ezra, we see God’s sovereignty in his fulfillment of the prophecies of Jeremiah and Isaiah, his stirring of the hearts of Cyrus, Darius, and Artaxerxes to favor the Jews, and his protection of the Jews from their enemies. (Ezra 1:1-4, 6:1-12, 7:11-28, 8:22-23)

**Faithfulness**: God is true to his promises and his covenant with his people. In Ezra, we see God’s faithfulness in his restoration of the remnant of Israel to their land, his provision of resources and leaders for the temple work, and his preservation of the Jewish identity and worship. (Ezra 1:5-11, 2:1-70, 3:1-13, 6:13-22, 10:1-44)

**Holiness**: God is separate from sin and he demands purity and obedience from his people. In Ezra, we see God’s holiness in his judgment of the idolatrous nations, his requirement of the temple sacrifices and rituals, and his discipline of the Jews for their intermarriage with the foreign women. (Ezra 4:1-24, 5:1-17, 9:1-15, 10:1-44)

**Grace**: God is merciful and compassionate to his people and he gives them undeserved favor and blessings. In Ezra, we see God’s grace in his initiation of the return of the exiles, his provision of the temple vessels and the royal decrees, and his forgiveness and restoration of the repentant Jews. (Ezra 1:1-4, 6:1-12, 7:11-28, 9:8-9, 10:1-44)

These are some of the **God’s attributes** and characteristics that we can learn from the book of Ezra. They show us who God is and how he relates to his people. They also challenge us to respond to him with faith, obedience, reverence, and gratitude. May we study the book of Ezra with an open heart and a willing spirit, and may we grow in our knowledge and love of God.






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